Monday, 18 June 2012

One week and one day to go

Surprisingly, I'm coping well with Optifast.  I'll be honest and say I've had slips up.

Yesterday went out for a Sunday drive and obviously, can't take things with me (especially when there are other's travelling with me who do not know I'm having surgery), so tried my best to make good decisions on what to eat.

Had breakfast at home and we hit the road at 9am.  Lunch wasn't til about 2pm, so we stopped at a little country bakery/cafe.  Not much of a selection unfortunately to benefit me, but I ordered a salad wrap with some Italian salami (which I am sure is a no no).  It was a full length tortilla wrap and after only one half, I was feeling quite full and only managed half of the other.

Didn't get home til late so couldn't have a full meal.  Luckily mum cooked some homemade beef soup, so I had a cup of that with an Optifast bar.

To date I have lost 2kg, which for me, is excellent.

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