Friday, 29 June 2012

Day 3 post op and good to be home!

Was discharged from hospital yesterday.  Feeling great, except for a few spasms of pain, especially if I take too big a gulp of liquid.  Surgeon came to see me yesterday morning and said that all going well and that I could go home.  I asked him why a particular port site was hurting more than the others and he said that is where he pulled my stomach out.  Nice picture in your head folks?!

Surgeon was also very pleased with how everything went so smoothly with regards to the procedure and post op progress.  If I'm going to be good at one thing, may as well be a model patient LOL.

Wednesday night I asked for a sleeping tablet as I got stuff all sleep Tuesday night (despite all the drugs in my system), but woke up at 1.30am cos the old lady (yes, sharing a room with an 82 year old), woke up needing to go to the toilet....and didn't know how to speak quietly.  Some people have no respect.  I think I then nodded off for another 3 solid hours and then my neighbour woke me again.

Wednesday was by first 'meal' I guess you could say.  I had nothing but ice chips and water until the dietician came to see how I was doing and suggested that I can have something more.  So lunch arrived and it was chicken broth (quite salty IMO) and strawberry smoothie.  As I couldn't fully sit up, I was sort of eating reclined, so struggled a bit with the soup.  I think I managed about 6 soup spoons of the broth and I very slowly drank the smoothie and by dinner time, I still hadn't finished it.  More soup and smoothie for dinner.  Nurse asked how much broth I had and said most of the bowl, which she said was about 200ml.  I know I didn't have it all.  And smoothie wise, she could see as I had barely touched it.

I think I feel hunger pangs, but I'm not sure if they are, as they part of the stomach was cut away.  Must just be my gastric juices bubbling about.

I think I'll sign off for now, as it's getting a bit sore sitting here typing.

I'll write again in a few days and update you on what's been happening.

Tuesday, 26 June 2012

Pills are good

I am 8 hours post op and doing well, albeit drugged up. Everyone here at SJOG has been absolutely wonderful. I have minimal abdominal pain and no shoulder pain.

One of the nurses looking after me said that on a scale of 1 to 10 with sleeve patients with 10 being excellent, I'm that. Yay me!

I'm enjoying the ice chips and sips of water as my mouth is just so dry.

Until tomorrow...

Official start weight and day of surgery

123.5kg. Yay! Today is the start of a brand new day and a brand new life. It's now 9.20am and will be leaving soon to go to hospital.

Monday, 25 June 2012


That is when I have to present tomorrow for surgery. At least I'll be able to shower beforehand and do my hair.

Sunday, 24 June 2012

Last meal...for now

It's my sister's birthday on Monday so last night we went out to dinner at a local Indian restaurant.  Food there is amazing.  There were 7 of us altogether, so we ordered a bit of everything so we could have our own mini banquet.

I thought I'd indulge a little as it was my last real meal before surgery on Tuesday, but amazingly, I struggled to eat!  Didn't take me long to fill up.  I had chilli chicken and could only manage 2 pieces of chicken (approximately the size of 2 dim sims) and maybe 1/2 cup of lemon rice.  That was it.

Considering I was starving as I didn't really have lunch as I was late from work and had to race straight to the hairdresser (I had my sister bring me an OF bar), I was too full to eat anymore.

2 weeks of pre surgery Optifast seems to have paid off.

Saturday, 23 June 2012

3 sleeps to go

Can't believe that it's almost time for my surgery. Since my initial consult in November, waiting for my PHI cover to kick in and chopping and changing surgery dates, the day is almost here. At the moment I'm no too bad with the whole process of what is about to happen, but come Tuesday 7.30am when I have to check in, it might be a different story. So far I have lost about 4kg on Optifast, which for me is a good effort, but I'm sick of shakes and bars lol. I'll know I will new to continue with them for a bit after surgery, but I'll also be able to enjoy eating normal food again lol, albeit in a much MUCH smaller quantity. That's gonna be a real shock to the system for me.

Tuesday, 19 June 2012

2.3kg lighter

Not the numbers I was hoping for but it's better than nothing, right.

This time next week I will most likely be in pre-op being injected with God knows what (they usually inject gin and tonic into my IV lol).

Not shitting myself yet, might be a different story then.

Monday, 18 June 2012

One week and one day to go

Surprisingly, I'm coping well with Optifast.  I'll be honest and say I've had slips up.

Yesterday went out for a Sunday drive and obviously, can't take things with me (especially when there are other's travelling with me who do not know I'm having surgery), so tried my best to make good decisions on what to eat.

Had breakfast at home and we hit the road at 9am.  Lunch wasn't til about 2pm, so we stopped at a little country bakery/cafe.  Not much of a selection unfortunately to benefit me, but I ordered a salad wrap with some Italian salami (which I am sure is a no no).  It was a full length tortilla wrap and after only one half, I was feeling quite full and only managed half of the other.

Didn't get home til late so couldn't have a full meal.  Luckily mum cooked some homemade beef soup, so I had a cup of that with an Optifast bar.

To date I have lost 2kg, which for me, is excellent.

Wednesday, 13 June 2012

What's going on

Yesterday marked 2 weeks to go until I have my laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.

It also marked the start of my 2 weeks of pre op Optifast.

So far OK, but it has only been 2 days.

See how the remaining 12 days pan out.