Was discharged from hospital yesterday. Feeling great, except for a few spasms of pain, especially if I take too big a gulp of liquid. Surgeon came to see me yesterday morning and said that all going well and that I could go home. I asked him why a particular port site was hurting more than the others and he said that is where he pulled my stomach out. Nice picture in your head folks?!
Surgeon was also very pleased with how everything went so smoothly with regards to the procedure and post op progress. If I'm going to be good at one thing, may as well be a model patient LOL.
Wednesday night I asked for a sleeping tablet as I got stuff all sleep Tuesday night (despite all the drugs in my system), but woke up at 1.30am cos the old lady (yes, sharing a room with an 82 year old), woke up needing to go to the toilet....and didn't know how to speak quietly. Some people have no respect. I think I then nodded off for another 3 solid hours and then my neighbour woke me again.
Wednesday was by first 'meal' I guess you could say. I had nothing but ice chips and water until the dietician came to see how I was doing and suggested that I can have something more. So lunch arrived and it was chicken broth (quite salty IMO) and strawberry smoothie. As I couldn't fully sit up, I was sort of eating reclined, so struggled a bit with the soup. I think I managed about 6 soup spoons of the broth and I very slowly drank the smoothie and by dinner time, I still hadn't finished it. More soup and smoothie for dinner. Nurse asked how much broth I had and said most of the bowl, which she said was about 200ml. I know I didn't have it all. And smoothie wise, she could see as I had barely touched it.
I think I feel hunger pangs, but I'm not sure if they are, as they part of the stomach was cut away. Must just be my gastric juices bubbling about.
I think I'll sign off for now, as it's getting a bit sore sitting here typing.
I'll write again in a few days and update you on what's been happening.