Firstly...Happy New Year everyone! Didn't realise it was so long between posts!
It'll be Christmas before we know it!
So what has been going on these past few months? To tell you the truth, not much really! 8 months has passed since I had the tummy tuck and I couldn't be more happy with the results. My only concern was that I had a little residual skin which I brought up with my surgeon at the last review and he agreed to perform a "scar revision", which I had just over a week ago...more about that later though.
I had the opportunity to meet Michelle Bridges during her recent Westfield book signing tour to promote her new book. I received an e-mail from Westfield Geelong advertising a competition to be a VIP and do a workout with Michelle, as well as a meet and greet to get her booked signed. It was one of those damn "25 words or less" comps. I said that I had lost 60kg over 2 years and wanted to improve my fitness and that working out with Michelle would be a dream come true. Needless to say, I won and was one of the lucky VIP's. When I arrived, I picked up my goodie bag (some MB products, magazines, bars and an old MB book) and had to buy a copy of her new book to get it signed. When the host (?) told us that we'd be doing a 10 minute workout with Michelle (mind you, right out front of Big W!), I thought...WTF are we going to do in 10 minutes. Boy...was I wrong. It was a full on 10 minutes, leave you breathless and dripping sweat. It was a HIIT workout (High Intensity Interval Training). I can't remember exactly what we did, but it was 5 minutes of HIIT and then another 5 minutes of a descending ladder work out (start of with 10 jumps, 10 side kicks (dunno proper name!) and 10 push ups, then 9 of each, then 8 and so on....all to be done within 5 minutes. Just made it but I was buggered but I felt really good afterwards. She said with this 10 minute work out, you have no excuses not to work out, which is true, I just need to be motivated, which sometimes I lack.
Afterwards we got the opportunity to get a photo with Michelle and have the book signed. Told her about my weight loss and she was fantastic. She's so super fit in real life and so toned...I want her body!
With the amazing and super fit Michelle Bridges. |
Exiting the stage, I thought my legs were going to give way as they were like jelly ha ha. Didn't take me long to recover.
Now, to the scar revision. As stated above, I am really pleased with the initial result, but had concerns about my "little pot". I brought this up with the surgeon at the last review and he said that if he had taken more skin away at the initial TT, I would've been way too tight. I decided to get the revision done now so I'd heal in time for Hawaii in August.
I was admitted on 11th March as a day case and had to present at 2.30pm to the day surgery centre of St John of God. That also meant fasting from 8am that morning...nothing to eat or drink. Eating I can do without but not being able to have water was a struggle. I did have maybe 2 shot glasses of water to wash down a Panadol due to a lingering headache.
It was around 4.00pm by the time the anaesthetist came around to have a chat and check me over then the surgeon came to do his markings. He apologised for the delay and said that I wasn't too far off. It was 4.30pm by the time I was wheeled into theatre.
That little bit of leftover skin. |
The section of skin the surgeon marked to remove. |
The anaesthetist came to give the pre-med, what he called 3 glasses of wine LOL. I told him won't take long to kick in as I don't drink....well, that took almost immediate effect as I don't even remember being wheeled into theatre.
Whole procedure took about an hour. I woke up in recovery about 7.00pm. I was given a shot of Morphine and for some unknown reason, I had developed an allergic reaction, which resulted in hives, which is bizzare as I had Morphine during previous ops without issue, as well as during the revision and post. I was quickly given an antihistamine and that settled things. I also had some pain, which felt more like a stinging sensation, so they gave me OxyCodone as Morphine is now a no no.
They decided to admit me overnight for monitoring, plus my blood pressure was up and down, so they wanted to keep an eye on that. As they didn't want to transfer me from the day surgery centre to the hospital across the road via wheelchair due to the pain, I had to wait for ambulance transfer. That finally happened at 8.30pm. The paramedics were just lovely and said that they were just on their way to Cold Rock when they got the call. I said that we can all go together for a drive once I was loaded in. It wasn't even a 300mt trip from one side to the other. I felt a bit guilty that I needed transfer via ambulance, but what can you do? Surely with the redevelopment of SJOG they could have constructed a tunnel linking the two sites?!?!
Anywho, I settled in for the night and topped up with pain meds and anti-nausea meds. Pain kept wavering between 0-1 and 5-6 but it wasn't unbearable. Don't think I slept a wink during the night as I couldn't get comfortable, but I must've had periods of deep sleep as the nurse said that I didn't even stir when she came to check up on me throughout the night.
Surgeon came around 9.00am to check me over and discharge me.
Morning post procedure. |
Morning post procedure. |
Day 3 post procedure. |
Day 3 post procedure. |
By Monday I was able to comfortably sleep on my tummy.
And one week post op...I'm wearing jeans!
I had my one week post check up on Tuesday and he was very happy with how things are progressing. Back for another review in 2 weeks time. Tape is to stay in place until then.
A few weeks ago I received a Facebook invite for my 20 year high school reunion...20 years!!! I'm still undecided if I'm going (it's in June). I found an old high school photo and there's a big difference (apart from looking older!). I'm sure my school uniform was a size 24.
High School vs December 2014. |
Still have a bit of time to decide if I'm going or not.
So I think that's it until next time.
Nessa xo.