VIEWER DISCRETION IS ADVISED with regards to the following photos as they are surgical in have been warned!!!!
Thought it was time I updated on what is happening.
Well it's all over and done with. I underwent abdominoplasty on 17 July. Got into theatre just after midday and woke up in recovery at around 7.00pm.
In my drug induced haze, my amazing surgeon informed me that he had removed just under 3kg of skin and that the surgery took 5 1/2 hours. I didn't need muscle repair as I haven't had children and the surgeon said that my abdominal muscles were quite strong (thank you Pilates and strength training!).
I spent 3 nights in hospital (in Thursday, out Sunday). On the Friday, the nurses tried to get me out of bed to have me sitting in the recliner, but that was an epic fail. Took me a good 5 minutes to shuffle myself to the side of the bed. I did manage to sit up with the nurses assisting but as soon as I stood, I felt dizzy, nauseous, my blood pressure dropped and broke out in a cold sweat. Back to bed I went and we were to try again the following day.
Saturday's attempt was a success! Although I didn't sit in the recliner, I was able to walk to the bathroom to have my first shower! Yay! Felt so good to have a wash and feel human again.
On Sunday morning the drain tubes were removed in the morning and shortly after lunch, I was discharged home. Was also good to get out in the fresh air, as cold as it was.
On Monday I was admitted back to hospital as I had passed out in the shower (what is known as a vasovagal episode). I was cleaning my drain site wound (as it was constantly oozing) and then it was lights out for about 5 minutes. Luckily I was sitting down as I could feel it coming on. I don't remember anything after that. I remember coming to and the paramedics were there. My blood pressure had dropped to below 90 systolic but everything else was stable. They called the on call surgeon, who called my surgeon, who called the paramedic back and he advised that they transport me back to the hospital for overnight observations. Bloods done in the ED has shown that my haemoglobin had dropped from a pre-op level of 130 to 80, which is normal post surgery and not low enough to be considered for a transfusion. I'm due to have bloods soon, so it'll be interesting to see if this has normalised.
Up until today, I have had no major complications. Things have been healing well and the surgeon is very happy with my progress. I had been seeing him weekly up until today and now not due to see him for 3 months!
I've just starting driving again and in a few weeks, I can resume my Pilates and strength training, both on a modified program. I think I might wait another 2 weeks before I go back.
If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
For now, "enjoy" the photos.
Pre Op Markings |
Pre Op Markings |
Pre Op Markings |
Pre Op Markings |
Back wedges of skin removed |
Closing up and re-positioning of the belly button |
Closing up |
First look at my new flat tummy! |
Day of surgery vs one week post op |
Day of surgery vs one week post op |
Day of surgery vs one week post op |
Day of surgery vs one week post op |
Tape change 3 1/2 weeks post op |
Tape change 3 1/2 weeks post op |
Tape change 3 1/2 weeks post op |
Progress photos of first 4 weeks |
Progress photos of first 4 weeks |
Progress photos of first 4 weeks |
Progress photos of first 4 weeks |