Been a while since I've written something, but looking back on some old posts, I didn't realise how many comments I've a big thank you to all reading my little blog.
Not much has been happening weight wise. Had an amazing 2 weeks in Hawaii and I think I may have lost about a kilo. I forgot to weigh myself before I left. Did a lot of walking, including a 6 mile hike over a volcano to view lava flow...AH-MAZING experience! Also did a helicopter flight over the Big Island and snorkelled with manta rays. First time snorkelling and I think I did pretty well, despite having to use a noodle to stay afloat as I needed a free hand for the camera LOL.
Food was a bit of a challenge at times, but I managed, ordering off the appetiser menu or on those few occasions, the kids menu. What I didn't eat or drink (no alcohol), I was able to take with me in a take out container. Can't do that here...stupid rules. I was a bit naughtly and couldn't help myself with some treats, namely a nice big slice of Red Velvet Cheesecake from The Cheesecake Factory. Had a few mouthfuls when we got back to the room and about another half for breakfast the next not healthy, but then it just got too sweet. I've added this cheesecake to my "Must Replicate Dish", along with a few other items that I ate throughout the 2 weeks...which wasn't much really LOL.
So now I am trying to get back on track and lose these last 5kg to take me to my goal weight of 68kg. I'm next seeing the surgeon for review in January, so fingers crossed I can get there. If not, I'll be very disappointed in myself, as I have no one else to blame.
A few weeks ago I went to see a surgeon in Geelong with regards to a breast reduction/lift. Quote was near $8000, covered by Medicare and PHI. This week I'm seeing another surgeon with regards to an abdominoplasty or whatever else he can offer me. I saw his nurse a few months ago for a free consult and she quoted me $10,000 (!!!). Looks like Hawaii will be my last holiday for a loooooooooooooooooooong time.
Once I have more info with regards to the latter surgery, I shall post.
Until then....toodles!